Termination of the alimony payment obligation

The lack of relationship of the adult children may suppose the extinction of the obligation of payment of alimony

El Tribunal Suprem va decretar en 2019 l'extinció de la pensió d'aliments en casos de fills majors d'edat que no volen mantenir relació amb el progenitor (generalment el pare) amb el qual no conviuen

i que abona la pensió d'aliments.

Per Sílvia Pinilla / Lawyer and Head of the Family Law Department

To do this, the lack of relationship must be relevant, lasting and attributable to the adult children who receive alimony and not to the parent who pays it.

In recent years we have seen a growing tendency in our courts to declare alimony for alimony in cases of lack of parent-child relationship. Thus, some family courts have recently extinguished the alimony established in favor of older children to understand that the father had always tried to maintain the relationship permanently, and that they have removed him from his side.

In many cases the difficulty of the parent will be to prove that the lack of relationship is not attributable to him, but today we have enough tools (Whatsapp, SMS, social networks, etc.) to help justify the lack of relationship.

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